Friday, December 31, 2010

It is Friday Dec. 31st here in India, new Years Eve. We had a program last night with the chidren performing that lasted til 11:00. We are very tired, so we hope we can stay up to watch them. They love performing their talents.

Today was another day at our dental clinic. I was again the assistant for the morning. We have Kusuma's neice who runs the orphange when Kusuma isn't around, to interpret for the children. Many of them are very frightened about the shots and dental work. We are mainly filling teeth and pulling teeth. Whatever we are not able to do wil be referred to the local dentist. We were moving along with the patients til we blew a fuse in the equipment. There is a loss of electricty during different times of the day. They have a generator for a back up when needed. However the power surge wasn't good for the equipment. We had to shut down for an hour while new fuses were found. I was able to take a break from the dental work when one of the nursing students from the orphanage helped out along with Kimberly. It was good on the back for a break.

Over all, things are going great. We had requested sweaters from church to bring over with us because the children think 80 degrees is cold. I helped Kusuma pass out the sweaters to the children the principal selected. To my amazement, I was told by Kusuma the pink turtleneck shirts were boys. The girls agreed, and the boys seem to like them. I tried to set them straight to no avail. So I have pictures to show te children wearing the sweters. The new little 1 year old boy is now wearing a pint sweater with a pink furry collar. Well...I tried.



  1. Pink for boys is fine - up until the 1940's pink was the preferred color for boys in the US and blue was for girls. Happy New Year to everyone!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi Penny and Kim,
    Glad to hear you had a safe and WELL journey. Talked to Les yesterday and got this .com address. Gave to Sue. Hope your dental clinic accomplishes all you want to do despite power outages. Happy New Year! Linda S.
